Active in the automotive sector for 20 years and passionate about beautiful mechanics and motor sports since our early days, we have decided to create “The Classic Car Factory” to meet an increasingly growing demand from both the younger and older audience, disappointed by the current evolution of the automotive sector and longing to experience or relive the pleasures of the past, when engines used to roar…
The changes imposed on automakers, notably with the hybridization and electrification of the vehicle fleet, are leading us to fear a standardization of vehicles on the market and a total loss of the pleasure of driving or owning a vehicle.
We want to fight against this homogenization of vehicles and this loss of pleasure and sensations through various channels that we are currently developing:
- Exhibition, rental and sale of young and old timers vehicles
- Exhibition, rental and sale of racing vehicles (via our The Racing Car Factory department)
- Display and sale of authentic motor sport parts
- The organization and promotion of activities related to motor sports and classic vehicles (exhibitions, historic vehicle tours, trips abroad to participate in or attend various events, etc.).
The Classic Car Factory, created by enthusiasts for enthusiasts of fine mechanical engineering and motor sport
The Classic Car Factory team